Sunday, September 23, 2018

Getting some good reads

On 9.5.2018, Gail writes: "....the book takes you back to those days"  and then goes on to say: "we really enjoyed it...… wonderful book with wonderful stories"

Sunday, September 16, 2018

.............and from the Los Angeles Times:

Ms Healy, an author who writes about such topics as this one, has cited several specialists who believe that kids should have some free time to explore their own world.

It appears that the school system has become so top heavy that it has resulted in consuming the time of the children in addition to the valuable time of the teachers, all who are suffering from overload of administrative "stuff".

and the backside:

If the reader can not read the expanded view, try this link to the newspaper article.  It doesn't have the sailboat chalk picture (neat, huh?) but the story is there and readable.